2018. június 14., csütörtök



Introduction to PySpark -  course

Spark bevezető – Gulyás Máté, Enbrite.ly PDF

Apache Spark with its Python API.

BIG DATA Apache Spark

PySpark Cheatsheet | Qubole

PySpark Tutorial-Learn to use Apache Spark with Python - Dezyre

Running PySpark with Cassandra in Jupyter

Apache Cassandra - Full Stack Python

Gyors útmutató: Cassandra API a Pythonnal – Azure Cosmos DB ...

2017. nov. 15. - Gyors útmutató: Cassandra alkalmazás felépítése a Python és az Azure ... Csatlakozzon az Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra API előzetes

Spark-riak-connector from the repository comes without pyspark support. But you can...

[PDF]Python, PySpark and Riak TS


Tutorial: Build a Spark machine learning application in HDInsight ..

Tutorial: Build a Spark machine learning application in HDInsight 
Overview of Data Science using Spark on Azure HDInsight
Azok a Spark-beépített machine learning modellek | Microsoft Docs



MLlib | Apache Spark




Introduction to MongoDB and Python – Real Python



J.P.Morgan's massive guide to machine learning and big data jobs in ...

Py: KERAS, XGBOOST, gym (RNN), statmodels (stat, ecometrics), MXnet(deeplearning)

A Complete Tutorial to Learn Data Science with Python from Scratch:

Statsmodels for statistical modeling. Statsmodels is a Python module that allows users to explore data, estimate statistical models, and perform statistical tests. An extensive list of descriptive statistics, statistical tests, plotting functions, and result statistics are available for different types of data and each estimator.

Seaborn for statistical data visualization. Seaborn is a library for making attractive and informative statistical graphics in Python. It is based on matplotlib. Seaborn aims to make visualization a central part of exploring and understanding data.

Bokeh for creating interactive plots, dashboards and data applications on modern web-browsers. It empowers the user to generate elegant and concise graphics in the style of D3.js. Moreover, it has the capability of high-performance interactivity over very large or streaming datasets.
Blaze for extending the capability of Numpy and Pandas to distributed and streaming datasets. It can be used to access data from a multitude of sources including Bcolz, MongoDB, SQLAlchemy, Apache Spark, PyTables, etc. Together with Bokeh, Blaze can act as a very powerful tool for creating effective visualizations and dashboards on huge chunks of data.
Scrapy for web crawling. It is a very useful framework for getting specific patterns of data. It has the capability to start at a website home url and then dig through web-pages within the website to gather information.



How is deep learning used in finance? - Quora

Deep Learning for Finance: Deep Portfolios by J.B. Heaton, Nick

Deep Learning in Finance – Towards Data Science








How to code in Python with SAS 9.4 - SAS Users - SAS Blogs

Python | SAS

A Basic Introduction to SASPy and Jupyter Notebooks

Emerging Ecosystem: Data Science and Machine Learning Software ...


Oracle NoSQL Database Python Driver Quick Start - Oracle Help Center

2015. máj. 18. - This article provides a quick introduction to the Oracle NoSQL Database Python driver. This driver provides Python client access to data stored ...

Getting Started with the Oracle NoSQL Database Python Driver

2017. júl. 25. - Getting Started with the Oracle NoSQL Database Python Driver. Next ... 3. Introducing Oracle NoSQL Database Tables and Indexes.

Chapter 1. Developing for Oracle NoSQL Database

You access the data in the Oracle NoSQL Database KVStore using Python drivers that are provided for the product. In addition to the Python drivers, several ...

Oracle NoSQL Database API

www.oracle.com › Database › Database A - Z › NoSQL Database
The python client module nosqldb.py to access Oracle NoSQL Database stores is required. The module can be downloaded from Python Software Foundation.

[PDF]Python Driver Getting Start Guide - Oracle Help Center

Oracle NoSQL Database Python Driver Getting Start Guide , Release .... You access the data in the Oracle NoSQL Database KVStore using Python ...

Chapter 1. Introduction to Oracle NoSQL Database

Oracle NoSQL Database provides multi-terabyte distributed key/value pair storage that offers scalable throughput ... C, Node.js and Python drivers are available.

java - Oracle NoSQL Database - Developing with it - Stack Overflow

2 válasz
2012. aug. 14. - If it's about NoSQL without Java and you have the choice, something like MongoDB ... Oracle NoSQL does has drivers for python, javascript.

nosqldb · PyPI

nosqldb 18.1.1. pip install nosqldb. Copy PIP instructions. Latest version. Last released: Apr 25, 2018. A Python driver for Oracle NoSQL Database ...

MySQL vs. Oracle NoSQL Comparison - DB-Engines

Detailed side-by-side view of MySQL and Oracle NoSQL. ... Python Ruby Scheme Tcl, C C# C++. Java JavaScript (Node.js) Python Ruby Scala. Server-side ...

New Features of Oracle NoSQL | Julian Dontcheff's Database Blog

2015. júl. 4. - Lat month (June 2015), Oracle announced Oracle NoSQL Database ... and Python, and integration with Oracle Database Mobile Server.

down votespark-riak-connector from the repository comes without pyspark support. But you can build it yourself and attach to pyspark:

1 megjegyzés:

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