2018. július 20., péntek


Understanding Cloud Development Trends and Issues

 Microsoft Azure Stack Development Kit brings hybrid home Microsoft's Azure Stack Development Kit is designed to help developers validate Azure Stack applications for hybrid deployments in different locations globally or even on premises.  

How should I choose the right cloud app development platform?
It's an oft-asked question: Which cloud platform is the best choice for app development efforts? The answer: It depends. It's PaaS vs. AWS Lambda.  
Cloud and DevOps practices help make app development a breeze
Merging DevOps with the cloud improves application development strategies. Learn how to create the perfect cloud and DevOps environment for efficient app development.  
Deciding between MBaaS or BaaS platform demands careful consideration
From handheld devices to server-based data, development of end-to-end mobile computing experiences, applications and services is fast and secure with MBaaS or BaaS.  
A container platform can speed, simplify cloud application development
Container platforms are all the rage, but developer expectations need managing, too. Red Hat's OpenShift product strategist offers up an inside look.  

How PaaS affects app development and customization

 cloud disaster recovery (cloud DR) Cloud disaster recovery (cloud DR) is a backup and restore strategy that involves storing and maintaining copies of electronic records in a cloud computing environment as a security measure. The goal of cloud DR is to provide an organization with a way to recover data and/or implement failover in the event of a man-made or natural catastrophe.Read more

Microsoft Azure and Google Jib target Kubernetes woes

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